I went to Giverslog to find a great tutorial on how to make these mini sandwich cake/cookies. She seems to have many tips and tricks on getting each step down to perfection. From leaving your egg whites out for an entire day to get to the perfect "room temperature" to baking on a dry day because humidity is not your friend in this recipe. It also seems as though this tutorial was not her first rodeo. I guess practice does makes perfect!
After looking at the ingredients, I made a trip to Safeway....they didn't have Almond Flour. I bought pastry flour not realizing that almond flour is simply finely finely processed almonds. And so, I used my pastry flour which of course, did not create an actual macaron. I don't know what I created since a macaron is almond in flavor. So, a second attempt will have to follow this blog post, but bear with me for the time being.
I used Martha Stewart's Coconut Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe as the filling for my macarons. Let me tell you...this recipe was just as difficult as the macaron itself.
(Whipping egg whites and sugar for the meringue filling...fun stuff)
I couldn't believe how much butter was involved.
5 sticks!!! But...I seriously only used a SMALL portion for the macaron filling. Very small portion...as I probably have two containers left in the fridge to use for another project (maybe that second attempt ;).
Whenever I've seen these cute little dessert sandwiches they are always in the prettiest of pastel colors, so I decided I wanted a butter yellow cookie with a pink filling. I was quite pleased with my color choices.
And although my final product looks nothing like a macaron...get ready for the flop. (Insert the "wah, wah, wah" sound effects)
Winco has almond flour at a very decent price. That's where I get mine. Trader Joes also sells it, but you would need to process it again, as it is a little too coarse. Whatever you made look delicious. I found a great recipe/process, I'm going to attempt this week too. We'll see if I can finally get a good macaron. I hope so! I think I've finally figured out the problem behind mine. I had some a a bakery in the city over the weekend, and they were amazing! Well worth it if you ever go. It's in Hayes Valley. It's called Chantal Guillon.
ReplyDeleteGreat work. I'd still try these!
Love Amie x