They definitely showed what they could do....Saturday that is, with a domination of 52-13 over Maryland!!
I used the game as an excuse to go back to Berkeley for the day. Seeing as how I haven't made the trek back to Berkeley since I moved out of the city in late May. I missed all the hustle and bustle of school being in session (especially on game day), great food, great weather, and a great chance to walk everywhere!
As much as my new home in the peninsula caters to recreation, I feel that I get more of a workout just walking all over the campus of Berkeley in one day than I get in a whole week where I live and that's without concentrating on it being a workout. I must've walked 10 miles on Saturday.

I parked on the North Side of campus where there is abundant parking, and I knew my car would be safe from the South Side craziness. I was on campus by noon with plenty to do. I was hungry so I stopped in to get my favorite....
YOPO!! I was surprised by how empty the place was. There is usually a long line out the door on days like it was. I got a mini peanut butter with m&m's and walked to Sproul where I enjoyed it by the fountain in the sun watching a Lindy hop group dancing away. I love Berkeley!

Then I walked over to the student store to find myself a BLUE shirt for game day...I was surprised in all my years at Cal that I didn't have a distinctly blue Cal t-shirt (none advertising old games or the band that is). I had no luck finding anything cheap at the
student store or even
Ned's for that matter. I ventured over to
Bear Basics (or Futurama for all the oldies like me). I found a great vintage looking Oskie shirt for 14 bucks! I love a bargain :)
Walking out of the bathroom, it was fate, I walked in to 3 old friends, one of them being my old roommate who lives in LA now! We ended up trekking our way back to North Side for a tail gate....look who invited themselves! Everyone and their mom from my band years were there catching up. For those of you unemployed...a tailgate is a great way to network. It seems like jobs and futures are about the only topic people discuss at these things.

With two hours before kick off we headed back toward Sproul for the drumline warm up, rally, and march-up. Just like old times!! Made me feel old watching at the last person I knew in the drumline take over my old spot as lead bass. I felt like a proud mom.
Needless to say, everything but the game was the highlight of my day. And I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it. I could barely get my feet to walk me to my car let alone
Henry's to play with the rest of the alumni and take over on all the instruments. Oh well, there will be other games in the future....and SKI TRIP to boot!!

Oh, and I just found out I'm on a postcard. That picture to the left is sold on some website and is Brad, Mike, and I my Sophomore year at Cal. Well someone is making money off me...I should look into
my photos. Here I come